Thursday, September 29, 2016

For Class Session 9/30
Quote by George Orwell: “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a c...” via kwout

The example below is meant to illustrate the alignment problem, which is the big issue in managing within large organizations.  

A photo of our class room taken from the back of the room

Contrast the above, with the following.

1 comment:

  1. I am assuming you are speaking on behalf of the seating arrangement? In terms of the states goal, what came to my mind is how you had us circle up in class to have more engaging discussions. Maybe I am completely wrong here, but I believe the issue with this sort of classroom setting is that it's not engaging enough. Teachers may engage more with those in the front than in the back, but when we have circular discussions, for myself, I learn much more and I want to be better and learn more. I am a vocal person, I have commented on a few of these home page links you have shared and I like to debate with people on any issue. My goal is law school, I intend to reach that goal. I believe that having more open discussions allows for much greater transformation of information between peers and the professor. When we discuss, we can come to see other perspectives. It is actually quite interesting and delightful.
