Monday, November 28, 2016

Paper Drafts

I've now read through all the papers that were submitted.  Here are some observations/feedback/and a brief description of what is next.

1.  Only one team actually submitted a memo (which I asked for) regarding how the second draft addressed my comments.  I was disappointed that other teams didn't do this.

2.  Except for that one team I used track changes in reviewing these papers.  I expected you to still send a cleaned up version back to me and to do that before you start doing the virtual elevator speech.

3.  Every paper needed further editing and proof reading.  In some cases, the papers had a substantial number of squiggles in Word that should have been consulted.  Many times I found myself accepting the suggestions that Word offered.  This sort of thing really should be done by students, not by me.

4.  Making the deadline for the second draft right before the Thanksgiving break was a mistake.  I should have pushed the deadline to the week before.

So, to sum up, teams need to still send me a clean version of there paper.  They then need to work on the virtual elevator speech.  This is a departure from the syllabus, but I am insisting on it because most teams didn't send me a memo.

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